How do I reboot my services if they go offline? Print

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To reboot your services you need to SSH into your account.
Once inside follow this :-

cd services ( gets you into your services folder).
ps ux once you have done ps ux you will see a list appear. That list is all the programs running inside your account.
Your need to find out the pid number of services (example below):-
username 73408 0.0 0.2 4704 1928 p0- S 6Jun07 0:29.38 services
To make it easy for you to spot the pid above I have made it bold.
Once you have found the pid for your services then you can kill it. (If you don't see services in pid means it's already offline so therefore no need to kill it).
kill -9 pid number is what you do to kill your services, so to kill above services I would type kill -9 73408
Once you have killed services you are now ready to reboot them.
./services is command to reboot them. After you have rebooted them you should see them rejoin your network.

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